Every person is required to pay a certain amount of tax when the right time comes. When you are new to paying your tax and you find that the amount you are paying is quite big, then you should get help from the experts. You should get help from a tax consultant. A tax consultant is also called a tax adviser and he is knowledgeable when it comes to tax law. He is aware of the regulations of individual and business taxes and he is expert when it comes to giving advises. In addition to that, there are more important things that you should know about such professional.
Duties and Responsibilities
The main duty of a tax consultant is to provide you with advice regarding finance and tax. He can meet with you in person or via the phone in order to discuss your tax situation. He will inform you about your different tax options and on how you can lower your tax liability or how you can compute your tax based on your investment. He can also prepare and complete your tax return as well as help you find the right credits, deductions and adjustments basing on your financial situation.
Working Environment
A tax consultant can be working for a company or he can also be self-employed. He is usually traveling to different places to meet up with his clients and to attend seminars, conferences and others. He can also work on weekends or even holidays.
Educational Attainment
Before becoming a tax consultant, a person should first get a bachelor’s degree on tax law, finance, economics, business or other related courses. He can also opt to get extra coursework in risk management, investments and estate planning. It is also important for him to be a certified Tax Return Preparer most especially when he wants to prepare tax returns in the future.
A tax consultant who wants to offer other services such as financial advising services should also become a financial planner. Before he can become one, he should first go to the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards and get a Certified Financial Planner certificate. To qualify for a certificate, he should have 3 years of work experience, bachelor’s degree and he should pass the exam.
Personal Qualities
In order to deal professionally with clients, it is important for a tax consultant to have excellent communication skills. It is also important for him to have math and analytical skills since he will be dealing with numbers. Of course, in order to get more clients, he should also have selling skills so that he can entice more people to choose him.
It is indeed a good option to consult with a tax consultant when you want help regarding your tax. It is however important for you to choose the right professional so that you can surely get the help you wanted. If you are in California, one of the professionals that you can count on is Alan M. Brown, a CPA who has been working for more than 2 decades. Give us a call at (760) 212-4993 and we will be happy to help you.